Lambo the FI light ER
I pulled the FI rip cord in August 2019 and am transitioning into the ER lifestyle.
My wife and I have raised three adult children all in their 20’s. As empty nesters with aging parents and fledgling adults we face many transitions that are not unique.
The decision to walk out the door in my mid 50’s at peak earnings was one wrought with consternation. After many spreadsheets, consideration of known scenarios and what ifs, we agreed I would take the leap to the next chapter of what life would bring. I’ve been a student of Mr Money Mustache aka Pete Adeney philosophy, and soaked up podcasts around the FIRE world with some of my favorites: Choose FI with Brad and Jonathan, Afford Anything with Paula Pant, and the Mad FIentist with Brandon. After all of this I knew one thing for certain…some of the Life Goals I had would never happen if I remained in the large corporate organization environment. The “One more year” rationalization was sneaking in and holding me back. When a window opened with an opportunity for change it was time to put up or shut up.
As is said, you are the product of the 5 people you spend the most time around, at one point with my commute to/from work providing the focused block of time, I consumed so much content I felt like a FIRE BREATHER but have since metered it back a bit. I will confess I have purchased several copies of J. L. Collins book, The Simple Path to Wealth and shared or given away the book to several friends. This single book has quickly risen to the top of my list around the personal finance space. Had I adopted more of its fundamental advice, perhaps I could have pulled the rip cord with BIG FAT FI!